Monday, October 6, 2014



I'm always trying to learn something new in Illustrator so later it can be added to my design portfolio. I haven't created much with animation so I decided I wanted to learn and create an animation/illustration of an animal. First I start out with a visual; I looked up vectors of a pandas so I could use it as a guide while I created the foundation. The background is made up of gradients used to have color harmony. I used bright hues so the Panda didn't blend into the negative space. I mainly used the pen tool and shapes in Illustrator for this project. I hope you can enjoy my Panda as much as I have creating this piece. Thanks. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

CMYK logo #2

"CMYK logo #2"

The colors used are to demonstrate the CMYK process. The shape used and how they are placed together makes the shapes look like pages in a book, which I believe adds to the overall feel of the CMYK print process. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I felt my portfolio could use a pattern piece. I wanted to use warm and vibrating colors, I'm happy with the color combination, this reminds me of an old fashioned quilt my great grandmother used to make for the family. How the shapes change direction makes this piece very interesting; this would make a neat pattern for a kids blanket or a shirt design. It's fun, it's bright, and it's trendy. Enjoy!  

CMYK logo

"Print Logo"

With the shapes from another piece, I created a logo. This turned into what I think would be a neat print company logo. This design concept uses the CMYK hues, and a odd shape, to create something interesting to the eye. I like this design and how the shapes create a square in the middle when the ends touch. The square's negative space can be kept blank or put a company's name to add more individuality to the logo. Enjoy! 

Monday, August 25, 2014


Nature is a beautiful thing that is over looked by many, and not appreciated by more. When walking down the street, do you look down at your feet, or do you look up into the distance so you can see the sky and tree-lines? I believe we must look up, it's positive, refreshing and uplifting. If you are stressed look out the window, sketch the sunset, or take an amazing photograph of what you see and want others to see. 
                    Personally, I love nature, I believe we are only a spec on this Earth and we should appreciate nature at all times. I had to capture this sunset, I love when the rays of the sun come through the clouds. It looks so majestic. My Grandmother told me that when there are rays of sunlight coming through the clouds that means angels are taking those who have passed, to Heaven. I cannot say that is true or false, but it sure is wonderful to look at. Enjoy. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cancer Awareness

Ribbons Awareness 

This is a composition I create in honor of Cancer Awareness. I thought I'd do something for an organization and put my own twist on the universally known cancer ribbons. I used the ribbons in a creative way and used hues go together in a very appealing way. The colors used are actually colors used for the different cancers, I didn't use all of the colors out there but I used eight different ones. Of course I had to use the pink one sense it is the most popular of the ribbons, then I used colors that went well with pink. I wanted to put a flare or neat design to give the ribbons some more character and to create them into many different logos/designs. I think the colors go together very well and I would love to create a tee shirt with some of these designs on them, so the public can get involved with their communities and be aware. Id also love to create some bumper stickers, I like the ribbon by itself but this makes it more festive to look at and people know its about Cancer Awareness. Cancer is a terrible thing, but we should continue to support those who are survivors and surviving with style.